Adam Celiz
Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor)

Adam graduated with a first class bachelor's degree from the University of Brighton in Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences in 2006. He then gained a PhD in Chemistry from the University of Cambridge in the Melville Laboratory for Polymer Synthesis in 2010. There he worked with Prof. Oren Scherman developing supramolecular polymeric materials based on hydrogen bonding motifs. Adam then pursued postdoctoral research at the University of Nottingham in the Advanced Materials and Healthcare Technologies division, with Professors Morgan Alexander and Martyn Davies. Here he developed high-throughput screening methodologies to discover new biomaterials for stem cell interactions. This work led to Adam being awarded an Early Career Researcher Award from the American Vacuum Society's Biomaterials Interfaces Division. Following this, Adam travelled 'across the pond' and was awarded a Marie Curie International Outgoing fellowship to work with Professor David Mooney at Harvard University in the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering. Here Adam developed biomaterial-based strategies to repair and restore tissues. Following this fellowship, Adam was awarded the Larry Hench Young Investigators Prize by the UK Society for Biomaterials. In August 2017, Adam joined the Department of Bioengineering at Imperial College London as Lecturer (Assistant Professor) to develop new biomaterials for tissue repair and regeneration.
Adam's research has been published in the journals Science, Nature Materials and Advanced Materials and has been highlighted by news agenies such as the BBC, Newsweek, Popular Science and the Telegraph

Dr. Nicola Contessi-Negrini
Research Associate
Nicola graduated in 2014 in Biomedical Engineering at Politecnico di Milano (Milan, IT) and received his European PhD in Bioengineering in 2018 at Politecnico di Milano, working on the development of hydrogel-based scaffolds for soft tissue regeneration via advanced fabrication technologies. He has been a visiting researcher at the University of Brighton (Brighton, UK), Warsaw University of Technology (Warsaw, PL), and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA, USA). Nicola joined the Celiz Lab as PostDoctoral Research Associate in 2019 to develop biomaterials to support dental tissue engineering.

Yipeng (Peggy) Pi
PhD student
Peggy graduated from Tufts University (Boston, MA) with a BS in Biochemistry in 2020. During her undergraduate research study, she focused on cardiomyocyte regeneration in Dr. Lauren Black's biomedical engineering lab. In October 2020, she joined Imperial College to pursue a Bioengeering MRes, focusing on hydrogel development for cardiomyocytes delivery.

Kavya Ganabady
PhD student
Kavya obtained her MEng Degree in Biomedical Engineering in 2020 from Imperial College London. In October 2020, she joined the Celiz Lab as a PhD student to develop a hybrid hydrogel system for use as a tissue adhesive.

Dana Al-Ansari
PhD student
Dana obtained her BSc. degree in Biological Sciences at Qatar University in 2019. She then pursued her MSc. degree in Biomedical Sciences at Hamad Bin Khalifa University (2019-2021). Dana have worked as a visiting researcher at Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar, Sidra Medicine hospital and the Biomedical Research Center. Her work mainly involved the use of MOFs nanoparticles as drug delivery vehicles for CVDs. Dana joined the Celiz Lab for a collaborative project between Dr. Adam Celiz and Dr. Graeme Birdsey (NHLI), which involves hydrogels-driven lymphangiogenesis for cardiac tissue regeneration.

Yangshuo (Jessie) Hu
PhD Student
Jessie graduated from the University of Toronto with a Bachelor of Applied Science in Chemical Engineering in 2020. In summer 2018, she received the University of Toronto Excellence Award to work in Professor Michael Sefton's lab on a hydrogel for wound healing. She then spent a year as a research trainee in Professor Jeffrey Karp's lab at Brigham and Women's Hospital (Boston, MA, USA) where she researched nanoparticle delivery and tissue adhesives. Jessie conducted her undergraduate thesis in Professor Milica Radisic's Lab on an organ-on-a-chip platform for pancreatic cancer. In October 2020, Jessie joined the Celiz Lab to pursue an MRes in Bioengineering, working towards an in vitro model for lymphangiogenesis.

Rita Bernardo Correia
PhD student
Rita graduated from Imperial College London in 2023 with an MEng Degree in Molecular Bioengineering. She joined the Celiz Lab as a PhD student, in October 2023, to do high throughput screening of hydrogels for cancer organoid culture.

Alba Martinez Basalo
PhD student
Alba graduated from University Carlos III of Madrid with a Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering (2018) where she conducted her undergraduate thesis in the Biomaterials group of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) on Fluorescent Polymeric Nanoparticles For Cell Monitorization. She then spent a year as a research trainee in Professor Alberto Rainer's lab at Campus Bio-Medico di Roma (2018-2019) where she researched 3D printing of cell-laden scaffolds as a disease model . Alba then pursued an MSc in Biomedical Engineering at Imperial College (2019-2020) and worked in Aglaris (2020-2022) as an R&D Engineer on a bioreactor for cell culture automatization. In January 2022, Alba joined back the Celiz Lab as a PhD student to develop a hydrogel platform to promote therapeutic lymphangiogenesis.
Hongning Sun
PhD student
Hongning graduated from Shandong University with a Bachelor of Chemistry (2020). Hongning then work as research assistance in Shandong University to develop polymer particles for biomedical application (2021-2022). In 2023, he graduated from Imperial College London with an MRes Nanomateirals. In October 2023, he joined the Celiz group as a PhD student to develop hydrogel for organiod culture.
Ganabady K.; Contessi Negrini N.; Scherba J. C.; Nitschke B. M.; Alexander M. R.; Vining K. H.; Grunlan M. H.; Mooney D. J.; Celiz A. D. "High-Throughput Screening of Thiol–ene Click Chemistries for Bone Adhesive Polymers" ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2023 DOI: 10.1021/acsami.3c12072
Caldeira J.; Celiz A.; Newell N. "A biomechanical testing method to assess tissue adhesives for annulus closure" Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 2022, DOI:10.1016/j.jmbbm.2022.105150
Contessi-Negrini N.; Volponi A. A.; Sharpe P. T.; Celiz A. D. “Tunable crosslinking and adhesion of gelatin hydrogels via bioorthogonal click chemistry” ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering 2021, DOI: 10.1021/acsbiomaterials.1c00136
Contessi-Negrini N.; Higgins C.; Volponi A. A.; Sharpe P. T.; Celiz A. D. “Developmental tissue engineering: regenerating tissues by mimicking developmental biology” Materials Today Bio 2021, 10, 100107
Medina-Fernandez I.; Celiz A. D. “Acellular Biomaterial Strategies for Endodontic Regeneration” Biomaterials Science 2019, 44, 697. 2019 Emerging Investigators Issue
Vining K. H.; Scherba J. C.; Bever A. M.; Alexander M. R.; Celiz A. D.*; Mooney D. J.* “Synthetic Light- Curable Polymeric Materials Provide a Supportive Niche for Dental Pulp Stem Cells” Advanced Materials 2018, 30, 1704486 – 1704489.
Li J.; Celiz A. D.*; Yang J.*; Yang Q.; Wamala I.; Whyte W.; Seo B. R.; Vasilyev N. V.; Vlassak J. J.; Suo Z.; Mooney D. J. “Tough Adhesives for Diverse Wet Surfaces” Science 2017, 357, 378 – 381.
Bauer A.; Gu L.; Kwee B.; Li A. W.; Dellacherie M.; Celiz A. D.; Mooney D. J. “Hydrogel Substrate Stress-Relaxation Regulates the Spreading and Proliferation of Mouse Myoblasts” Acta Biomaterialia 2017, 62, 82 – 90.
Amin Y. Y. I.; Runager K.; Simoes F.; Celiz A. D.; Taresco V.; Rossi R.; Enghild J. J.; Abildtrup L. A.; Kraft D. C. E.; Sutherland D. S.; Alexander M. R.; Foss M.; Ogaki R. “Combinatorial Biomolecular Nano-patterning for High-throughput Screening of Stem Cell Behavior” Advanced Materials 2016, 28, 1472 – 1476.
Patel A. K.; Tibbitt M. W.; Celiz A. D.; Langer R.; Davies M. C.; Denning C.; Alexander M. R.; Anderson D. G. “High Throughput Screening for Discovery of Materials that Control Stem Cell Fate” Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 2016, 20, 202 – 211.
Celiz A. D.*; Smith J. G. W.*; Patel A. K.; Hook A. L.; Rajamohan D.; George V. T.; Patel M. J.; Epa V. C.; Singh T.; Langer R.; Anderson D. G.; Allen N. D.; Hay D. C.; Winkler D. A.; Barrett D. A.; Davies M. C.; Young L. E.; Denning C.; Alexander M. R. “Discovery of a Novel Polymer for Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Expansion and Multi-Lineage Differentiation.” Advanced Materials 2015, 27, 4006 - 4012.
Patel A. K.; Celiz A. D.; Rajamohan D.; Anderson D. G.; Langer R.; Davies M. C.; Alexander M. R.; Denning C. "A defined synthetic substrate for serum-free culture of human stem cell derived cardiomyocytes with improved functional maturity identified using combinatorial materials microarrays“ Biomaterials 2015, 61, 257 - 265.
Smith J. G. W.; Celiz A. D.; Patel A. K.; Short R. D.; Alexander M. R.; Denning C. “Scaling Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Expansion and Differentiation: Are Cell Factories Becoming a Reality?” Regenerative Medicine 2015, 10, 925 – 930.
Celiz A. D.; Smith J. G. W.; Langer R.; Anderson D. G.; Barrett D. A.; Winkler D. A.; Davies M. C.; Young L. E.; Denning C.; Alexander M. R. “Materials for Stem Cell Factories of the Future.” Nature Materials 2014, 13, 570 - 579.
Celiz A. D.; Smith J. G. W.; Patel A. K; Langer R.; Anderson D. G.; Barrett D. A.; Young L. E.; Davies M. C.; Denning C.; Alexander M. R. “Chemically Diverse Polymer Microarrays and High Throughput Surface Characterization: A Method for Discovery of Materials for Stem Cell Culture” Biomaterials Science 2014, 2, 1604 - 1611.
Celiz A. D.; Harrington H. C.; Hook A. L. “High Throughput Assessment and Chemometric Analysis of the Interaction of Epithelial and Fibroblast Cells with a Polymer Library” Applied Surface Science 2014, 313, 926 – 935.
Rao W.; Celiz A. D.; Scurr D. J.; Alexander M. R.; Barrett D. A. “Ambient DESI and LESA-MS Analysis of Proteins Adsorbed to a Biomaterial Surface Using In-Situ Surface Tryptic Digestion.” Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 2013, 24, 1927 – 1936.
Celiz A. D.; Hook A. L.; Scurr D. J.; Anderson D. A.; Langer, R.; Davies M. C.; Alexander, M. R. “ToF-SIMS imaging of a Polymer Microarray prepared using Ink-Jet Printing of Acrylate Monomers.” Surface and Interface Analysis 2013, 45, 202 - 205.
Celiz A. D.; Scherman O. A. “A Facile Route to Ureidopyrimidinone-Functionalized Polymers via RAFT Polymerization.” Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 2010, 48, 5833 – 5841.
Celiz A. D.; Lee T. C.; Scherman O. A. “Polymer-Mediated Dispersion of Gold Nanoparticles Using Supramolecular Moieties on the Periphery.” Advanced Materials 2009, 21, 3937 - 3940.
Celiz A. D.; Scherman O. A. “Controlled Ring-Opening Polymerization Initiated via Self Complementary Hydrogen-Bonding Units.” Macromolecules 2008, 41, 4115 - 4119.
Department of Bioengineering
Imperial College
White City Campus
Sir Michael Uren Hub
86 Wood Lane
London W12 0BZ (UK)
Based in The Sir Michael Uren Hub, an exciting new development at the heart of Imperial’s White City Campus, our lab possesses the following facilities:
1. Kinexus Ultra+ Rheometer Platform
2. ElectroForce 5500 Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA)
Please contact Dr Celiz if you would like to collaborate on research projects or access our facilities